By train
The nearest railway station are Bassano del Grappa, Vicenza and Thiene, they offer direct and indirect links to all the other Venetian and Italian towns.
For further information:
By coach
SVT, Società Vicentina Trasporti, offers direct links to Asiago from Bassano, Breganze, Conco, Gallio, Marostica, Vicenza, Thiene, Schio. From Milan: Autostradale offers links only in high season, along the A4 Highway Brescia-Verona-Vicenza-Padova-Venezia. For further information:
SVT (Società Vicentina Trasporti) -V.le Milano 78-Tel. 0444/223111
Information & inquiries Tel. 0444/223115
To&From abroad:
From South Italy:
By car
Coming from Trento – Vezzena?
From Trento follow directions to Lavarone, then continue towards Passo Vezzena. After passing that, continue following the road until you reach Camporovere. Finally, follow directions to Asiago.
Coming from Pedescala – Rotzo – Roana?
From Pedescala follow directions to Rotzo – Castelletto. Then continue towards Roana – Asiago, crossing Roana Bridge.
Coming from Vicenza (via highway)?
From A4 Highway Milano-Venezia, take A31 Highway Valdastico towards Piovene Rocchette and continue until the end of the highway. After the toll, follow directions to Asiago.
Coming from Bassano (via Conco)?
From Bassano follow directions to Conco – Asiago. You can also reach Asiago passing through Lusiana.
Coming from Primolano?
From Primolano follow directions to Enego – Asiago. From Enego continue on the road crossing Stoner, Foza and Gallio villages and you will reach Asiago.